Te reo Māori
You can download the Pouri (Grief) story from Sophie Feels Like Me (full text in te reo Māori) here.
Both Jack Feels Big and Sophie Feels Like Me have the te reo Māori word for each of the feeling words, presented at the start of the story.
You can find more resources (including the New Zealand Sign Language in the book) here. And you can buy a copy of the book here.
Jack Feels Big features:
Pokea (Overwhelmed)
Manawanui (Persistent)
Matekiri (Frustrated)
Māia (Brave)
Mokemoke (Lonely)
Sophie Feels Like Me features:
Whakamā (Embarrassed)
I pā mai te whakamā ki a Sophie i tana hingatanga i mua i ngā tāngata.
Ngākau māhaki (Humility)
I whakateka atu a Erin ki te tīma i hinga, engari i puta te ngākau māhaki o Sophie, ā, ka haere atu ia ki te mihi atu ki a rātau mō tō rātau kaha ki te purei.
Pōuri (Grief)
I pōuri a Sophie i te takahanga o tana tino taonga tākaro mai i te waka kōpiko.
Aroha (Empathy)
Ka puta te aroha o Sophie mā te āta whai whakaaro ki ētahi atu me te whakaatu anō kei te mārama atu ia, ā, kei te rata atu hoki ia.
Auwhi (Rejected)
Kei te ngākau auwhi a Sophie kāore ōna hoa i te hiahia tākaro me ia.